Why Do We Serve

What is volunteering?


Why do we do it?


What does it accomplish?


I would propose we’re not donating our time.


What’s interesting is most of us think of it this way, or at least start out thinking of it this way. While it may be true in some sense, serving in a church isn’t a donation and it’s not probably not helpful to think of it that way. The truth is, God wants something FOR you not FROM you. We’re not trying to fill roles or the needs of the church. Discipline and devotion are fine as motivators in the short term but they’re the lowest form of relationship. 


I think it’s true most of us begin serving at some level out of discipline and devotion. The thought process goes something like this, Jesus died for us, so we owe him our lives. So what we’re going to do is use the gifting we have for the church to benefit. This somehow pays Jesus back in our minds. 


The truth is, the Gospel isn’t about us giving God our lives, it’s about Jesus giving us his. Serving is an opportunity to experience transformation God wants for us.


We serve because we know that transformation happens best in the context of relationship. We’re convinced God will use these serving times as the primary way he transforms who we are how we think. We’re not donating our gifting. It’s not really about that. Serving is a way to allow God to change everything about us. 


There comes a point where we have to grow beyond discipline and devotion when it comes to serving in the Church. It's through our experiences serving together that God transforms us, and births a new hope. He wants something FOR us, not FROM us.


If we believe the primary value we bring to Kingdom is anything less than our unique expression of the Christ on this planet, in this time, there’s MORE to experience. That’s what we want for you, the beauty of being seen, known, and understood the way you were designed for.

Nic Payne